Event Details

Staples Canada invites you to join us for our third annual Even the Odds Golf Tournament.

Even the Odds was launched in June of 2021 in partnership with MAP, a world class research center, to raise awareness of inequity and to help build strong, healthy, and vibrant communities. Since our launch, together with our partners we have raised over $5 million dollars to help even the odds across the country. Click here to find out more.

This year, money raised for Even the Odds will support the following initiatives to tackle inequities in communities across Canada: (see ETO Initiatives tab for more information)

  • APPLE Schools: An award-winning health promotion project for elementary students in underserved communities (Alberta & Ontario)
  • Our Healthbox: “Smart” vending machines that dispense free HIV self-tests and other health supplies, such as naloxone (Atlantic Provinces)
  • Navigator: An outreach program that helps patients who are homeless recover after a hospitalization, by connecting them with health care and social services in the community (British Columbia & Quebec)
  • Healthy Food Prescription: A landmark research trial to test a promising approach to food insecurity and chronic disease inequities: grocery store vouchers, prescribed by physicians to low-income patients (Ontario).    

We believe everyone should have the opportunity to thrive, and with your support, we can build more equitable, vibrant, and healthy communities in Canada together.

2024 Even The Odds

Angus Glen Golf Club
10080 Kennedy Rd
Regional Municipality of York,
Map it


Platinum Sponsorship/ Commandite platine


Gold Sponsorship/Commandite or


Silver Sponsorship/Commandite argent





Platinum Sponsorship - $25,000 – Senior Leader

  • Foursome: 3 vendor +1 Staples - 3 vendor associates with the option of selecting any 1 Staples Senior Canadian Leadership Member (SCLT) of your choice *
  • Hole & lunch Sponsorship
  • Platinum-level logo on the welcome banner displayed in a high-profile location recognizing you as a platinum sponsor
  • Platinum-level recognition in on-site and promotional materials
  • Platinum-level recognition in Staples post-event customer-facing flyer

*Sign up early to secure your preferred choice of a SCLT member of your choice. Available as first come first serve.

Gold Sponsorship - $20,000 – Director/VP

  • Foursome: 3 vendor +1 Staples - 3 vendor associates with the option of selecting any 1 Staples VP or Director of your choice*
  • Contest Sponsorship with on-course recognition at contest hole
  • Gold level positioning of logo on the welcome banner which will be prominently displayed in a high-profile location recognizing you as a gold sponsor
  • Gold-level recognition in on-site and promotional materials
  • Gold level recognition in Staples post-event customer-facing flyer

*Available as first come first serve, please identify your Staples VP or Director of choice*

Silver Sponsorship - $15,000 – Manager Level

  • Foursome: 3 vendor +1 Staples - 3 vendor associates with the option of selecting any 1 Staples Manager of your choice *
  • Hole sponsorship
  • Silver level logo on the welcome banner displayed in a high-profile location recognizing you as a silver sponsor
  • Silver level recognition on all on-site and promotional materials
  • Silver level recognition in Staples post-event customer-facing flyer

*Available as first come first serve, please identify your Staples Manager of choice*



Timing Agenda
7:00-8:15am Guest Arrival/Breakfast buffet in the main hall
8:15am Call to Carts & Welcome
8:30am - 1:30pm Golf Teams Play North & South
1:30pm - 3:00pm Welcome Reception Lunch/Awards/Speaker
3:00pm - 3:30pm Wrap up Auction & Collect Prizes

ETO Initiatives EN



people are homeless each year.
20% are youth between the ages of 16 and 24.


people go without basic essentials or food
so that they can afford to fill their prescriptions.


kids live in poverty



Through evidence-based solutions from MAP’s scientists and community partners across Canada, we’re working to help end childhood health inequities, break down barriers to care and disease prevention, and create pathways out of chronic homelessness. How we’re building communities that work for everyone

APPLE Schools

APPLE Schools is an award-winning health promotion project for elementary students in underserved communities. Kids that grow up in disadvantaged neighbourhoods have a much higher risk of diabetes and heart disease in adulthood. APPLE Schools has been proven to help considerably reduce this risk by helping students move more, eat better, and feel happier – learning healthy habits that last a lifetime.

Thanks to Even the Odds fundraising, we have brought this innovative program to 4,500 Ontario and Alberta elementary students in 2023. We are also testing a lower-cost version of APPLE Schools in ten schools in Alberta so we can reach even more kids in underserved communities.








The Navigator Program 

Navigator is an outreach program that helps unhoused patients recover after a hospitalization, by connecting them with health care and social services in the community. The goal is to break cycles of homelessness and poor health, and ultimately to help patients exit homelessness for good.

MAP designed and tested the Navigator Program in St. Michael’s Hospital surgical and medical inpatient units, and then expanded to St. Joseph’s Health Centre in Toronto. Thanks to Even the Odds fundraising, we have been able to bring this innovative program to St. Paul’s Hospital in downtown Vancouver, with plans to expand further to Quebec.









Healthy Food Prescription

Healthy Food Prescription is a landmark research trial to test a promising approach to food insecurity and chronic disease inequities: grocery store vouchers, prescribed by physicians to low-income patients. This trial is designed to give policy-makers the scientific evidence they need to justify major investment in provincial and national food prescription programs.

Thanks to Even the Odds, MAP is now providing monthly food vouchers to 400 diabetes patients with low incomes in Ontario. MAP’s goal is to guide governments in the best ways to shift investments upstream, and to create better health outcomes for people with low incomes.



Our Healthbox

Healthboxes are “smart” vending machines that dispense free HIV self-tests and other essential health supplies such as naloxone and condoms. Healthboxes reach people where they are at, without stigma or judgement, and can be stocked with anything people need for their health.


Thanks to Even the Odds fundraising, we have been able to bring Healthboxes to communities across New Brunswick, with more planned in Nova Scotia, PEI and Newfoundland and Labrador. In 2023, Even the Odds Healthboxes served more than 1,500 people with the things they needed for their health, including almost 400 free HIV self-tests.





ETO Initiatives FR

APPLE Schools

APPLE Schools (Un projet de promotion d'une vie saine pour tous dans les écoles) est un projet primé de promotion de la santé pour les enfants des communautés scolaires mal desservies. Désignée par HundrED comme l'un des 100 projets éducatifs les plus innovants et les plus inspirants au monde pour 2020 et 2023, APPLE Schools a prouvé qu'elle aidait les enfants à bouger plus, à manger mieux et à se sentir plus heureux – en leur inculquant des habitudes saines qu'ils conserveront toute leur vie. Les résultats sont très intéressants : les enfants qui participent au programme des APPLE Schools sont 40 % moins susceptibles d’être obèses. Ils apprennent mieux et obtiennent de meilleures notes aux examens scolaires. Outre l'amélioration des résultats pour les enfants, elles contribuent également à renforcer le système de santé : pour chaque dollar dépensé dans les APPLE Schools, plus de 8 $ sont évités en matière de coûts de santé et de coûts sociétaux futurs.





Clinique Mauve

La Clinique Mauve est une clinique de santé innovante spécialement conçue pour répondre aux besoins des patients racisés et migrants qui sont LGBTQI+. La clinique fournit des soins médicaux intégrés et des services psychosociaux - y compris des travailleurs sociaux, des thérapeutes et des pairs orienteurs - grâce à une approche intersectionnelle, anti-oppressive et tenant compte des traumatismes. C’est le premier service de ce genre au Québec.












Transition des jeunes vers la sortie du sans-abrisme

(Transitioning Youth Out of Homelessness) est un programme de leadership et d'accompagnement d'un an destiné aux jeunes qui sortent de l'exclusion liée au logement. Les recherches du Centre MAP ont montré que, sans surprise, les jeunes qui ont un fort sentiment d'identité, d'objectif et de contrôle sur leur vie sont souvent ceux qui parviennent le mieux à se dépourvoir de la vie dans la rue et à opérer des changements durables et positifs dans leur vie. Le programme d'accompagnement des jeunes en transition a été conçu en collaboration avec les jeunes pour les aider à acquérir ces compétences d'une manière qui leur convienne. Le programme fournit également des suppléments de loyer pour aider les personnes à rester dans leur logement pendant qu'elles






Le programme Navigateur

Un programme de sensibilisation qui aide les patients sans domicile fixe à rester en bonne santé après une hospitalisation, en les mettant en contact avec les services sociaux et de soins de santé de la communauté. Lorsqu'un patient sans domicile fixe arrive à l'hôpital, le programme Navigateur le met en relation avec un travailleur social - un « Navigateur » - qui s'assure qu'il bénéficie du soutien dont il a besoin pendant son séjour à l'hôpital et qu'il dispose d'un endroit sûr où rester après son hospitalisation. Le navigateur reste en contact avec le patient pour l'aider à planifier ses rendez-vous de suivi et à remplir ses ordonnances. Il l'aide également à coordonner les soins de santé de suivi et les services sociaux dont il a besoin. L'objectif est de mettre les patients sans-abri en contact avec les services dont ils ont besoin et d'éviter de nouvelles hospitalisations.





Nos Boîtesanté

Les Boîtesanté sont des distributeurs automatiques « intelligents » qui distribuent gratuitement des autotests de dépistage du VIH et d'autres produits de santé essentiels, comme la naloxone et les préservatifs, ainsi que d'autres produits de première nécessité comme des chaussettes et de la nourriture. La Boîtesanté atteint les gens là où ils se trouvent, sans stigmatisation ni jugement, et peut être remplie de tout ce dont les gens ont besoin pour rester en bonne santé et en sécurité. Notre Boîtesanté fournit également des informations sur la santé et un annuaire de services pour aider les gens à trouver des soins de santé et un soutien accueillants dans leur communauté.









Une initiative nationale visant à établir le plan directeur vers un système de soins primaires plus fort et plus équitable au pays. En partenariat avec des décideurs de Santé Canada et du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada, NosSoins mène des sondages et des consultations auprès de milliers de patients à travers le pays - de tous horizons - pour comprendre comment ils définissent de bons soins primaires, à quoi ils pensent que les soins devraient ressembler, et quels changements de politique auront, selon eux, la plus grande incidence sur leur vie et leur santé. L'objectif est de modifier le système en tenant compte des expériences vécues par les patients au Canada, y compris ceux qui sont souvent laissés pour compte, comme les néo-Canadiens et les personnes à faible revenu. Les résultats seront utilisés par les gouvernements pour améliorer le système et par les organisations professionnelles et le public pour plaider en faveur du changement.



What is Even the Odds?

Even the Odds was launched by Staples in June of 2021 in partnership with MAP, a world-class research centre, to raise awareness of inequity and to help build strong, healthy, and vibrant communities. Since our launch, together with our partners, we have raised more than $5 million to help even the odds across the country. For more information on Even the Odds and the programs that we fund, click here.

When is the 2024 Even the Odds Golf tournament?

The Even the Odds golf tournament will take place on Friday, September 13, 2024. Shotgun starts at 8:30 a.m.

What sponsorship packages are available for purchase for this year’s ETO golf tournament?

Vendors can sign up for a Platinum, Gold, or Silver sponsorship package. Further information on each package can be found on the sponsorship tab.

Please note that only sponsorship packages are available for purchase. There is no single-player option available for this year’s tournament.

What type of receipt will I receive for our organization’s sponsorship?

The 2024 ETO Golf Sponsorship provides business receipts for the tournament. Charitable receipts are not provided.

How many people make up a team for the ETO golf tournament?

Depending on the type of package purchased. A platinum sponsorship package consists of five players. Four individuals from your organization and one Staples senior leader. The Gold and Silver sponsorship packages consist of four players: three from your organization and one from Staples. While we will do our best to accommodate your preferred choice of Staples associate, based on your package, individuals will be assigned at the appropriate level on a first-come, first-served basis.

How do I register for the golf tournament?

All vendors must register on the ETO golf website to secure an available spot for the tournament.

Will I receive an invoice for my payment for the golf tournament?

Yes, all vendors will receive an invoice for their payment and registration after signing up for the tournament. The ETO golf website will provide vendors, who pay by credit card, an invoice to the email from which they registered once payment has been approved by the system.

What types of payments are acceptable for the golf tournament?
Acceptable payments for this event are credit cards or Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT). Credit Card payment can be made directly on the ETO golf website here. If you require to make a payment by cheque, please contact ETOgolf@staples.ca. All payments must be received prior to the golf tournament on September 8, 2024.

Will food and beverages be served at the event?

Yes. Breakfast will be available prior to the event. Snacks will be available on the course, and lunch will be served after the event. A survey will be available for all members of your team to complete prior to the event to identify any dietary restrictions.

In the event of inclement weather, will the tournament be rescheduled?

We will be monitoring conditions closer to the event and update all players of any changes.

Whom do I contact if I have other questions?

If you have additional questions, please email us at ETOgolf@staples.ca.